Thursday, March 19, 2009

Donuts for Dads

Today at Will's school they honored the dads with "Donuts for Dads" day.  Will was soooo excited that his daddy got to be with him at school.  The kids had made ties for the dads to wear and had prepared a few other special surprises for them

Here is George sporting his tie.

Will and daddy enjoying their donuts.

Daddy opening his gift.  The kids painted picture frames and then drew a picture of something they liked to do with their dad to go in the frame.  Will drew a picture of he and his dad at the beach.

Mommy crashing the party.
The kids had also learned 2 songs that they sang for the dads.  This is Will showing daddy how to do the hand motions to the song "My heart belongs to daddy."  I know that Will will remember this day for a long time.  He never stopped smiling.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

On Sunday night, the snow stopped and we had a break in the clouds.  I was somewhat able to capture the beautiful sunset we saw from our front porch.
Monday morning we awoke to mostly clear roads and plenty of snow still on the grass.  George was home after his weekend on-call so we had some fun family time outside.  Will was feeling better and wanted to go out in the snow.  I let him play for a little while because it may be the only snow we see this year.  Here he is trying to make a snow angel.  Unfortunately, the snow was more more ice than powder so it didn't make a real good impression.  He had fun trying though.
Last time we got a little bit of snow we learned the hill on the side of the house made for a good place to sled.  We pulled out our favorite pool float and away we went!  
Daddy and Will
Daddy and Susan
Will and Susan flying solo!
Susan going up the hill for another run.
Susan getting a ride up the hill from mommy.
Mommy and Susan
Even GiGi got in on the fun!  Here she is with Susan.

GiGi and Susan making the bottom to our snowman.

Susan singing "Frosty the Snowman" to the snowman.  
Susan giving Frosty some love.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

All week long people were saying that we were going to get snow on Sunday.  I was a bit skeptical though given the fact that we do live in the South and the forecast for Saturday was rain and a high of 60.  However, I couldn't help but think what fun it would be to get a little bit of the white stuff.  We went to bed Saturday night with the weatherman saying snow, but woke up to rain.  It didn't take long though before that rain turned to SNOW!

This is a picture of the poolhouse and the front of the house not long after the snow started falling.

Susan was so excited to see the snow!  She wanted to try and catch it and we had a hard time keeping her in the house (hence the reason she has no shoes on in this picture).
Here is a picture of the front of the house after about 3 hours of snow.