Merry Christmas to all our friends and family! Will awoke bright and early this morning letting us know that Santa had visited our house last night. It was a sight to behold with gifts and toys everywhere. Will was so excited and didn't know what to play with first. Susan slept in and awoke around 8. It was nice that we were able to do Christmas with Will first and then later do Christmas with Susan. We spent the day in our pj's playing on the floor with the kids and putting together the toys Santa didn't have time to.
As much as I enjoyed today, it was somewhat bittersweet in that this was the first Christmas in 33 years that my sister and I were not together. She and her family remained in FLA, but thanks to modern technology, we were able to see her and my nephews and talk to them over the computer. This is a picture of me and my sister taken Christmas Day 1975-the year Jen was born. If you are wondering why I look so excited to see her, it's because I'm 2 and her birthday is December 20. Mom just so happened to bring her home from the hospital Christmas day. I know I asked for a puppy that year....

I want to introduce you to the newest member of our family-Koda the interactive Dinosaur! This thing is pretty cool. Here is Susan sitting on him. He sings and plays music when you ride on his back. If you roar, he will roar back at you. He also sleeps, likes to have his chin rubbed, and...
eats! Here is Will feeding him his leaves. After he is done eating, he will burp. The kids think it's hysterical!
Susan feeding Koda.
Susan wanted a baby for Christmas so Santa brought her a baby, high-chair and doll bed among other things. Her baby took a lot of naps today.
All Will wanted for Christmas were dinosaurs and the Artic igloo. He has not abandoned his love of ocean creatures, he is just expanding his passion to include dinosaurs. He got a box of dinosaurs and a dinosaur named "Spike" for Christmas. This one has a remote control and will walk and eat boulders. Susan is not too fond of Spike, especially when Will chases her with him. Brotherly love...
Here is Will setting up the animals on his Artic igloo he got.
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