Thursday, December 25, 2008

Will's School Festivities

Will's pre-school hosted a Christmas Program and pot-luck dinner at the church on December 17th.  The kids sang songs and were dressed in costumes representing the Nativity.  Imagine my surprise when I learned my son was playing the role of "Joseph."  He is standing in the front with the 3 Wise Men behind him and Angels to his right.  This was prior to going on stage.  The kids were really cute!  Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of the actual performance because I opted to video it instead and George was chasing Susan at the time. 

On Friday, December 19th, the kids had a Christmas party during school.  The kids all put on reindeer antlers and decorated cookies.  They did a book swap and SANTA made an appearance.  It was a memorable morning.  16 kids, lots of sugar, and SANTA-you do the math.

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